Adrien Tache

  • Young photographer from Southern France, photography has been a passion since he was a teenager. But when he experienced the moving photography school «Atelier Nomade» in West Africa, his relation with photography changed a lot and became more social and humanist.

    That's where Adrien started his report about west african photographers. Most of them are equipped with old manual reflex cameras from 70's and 80's and are suffering economical difficulties, while digital photography is getting the upper hand. What will happen when everyone is equipped with a camera and is able to shoot the same or better pictures than the photographer? As a witness to this turning point in their profession, Adrien's wish was to immortalize them with their "third eye", inside or outside their studios. Proud, shy, amused... hidden behind their lenses, every photographer had his own way of reacting, looking and gripping on the camera. This is a way for them to show the reality of their job and to keep a track of an almost forgotten era.

    After this project Adrien told to himself to continue to use photography further than a simple esthetic work. If he can denounce, improve a situation, help his subject or just be like a "past archivist", he'll manage to stay on this way.