
the people I met, sometimes instantly, sometimes through interaction over a period of time. It was a glimpse into each person's private human realm.

While working on this project in China, I was particularly struck by the enormous curiosity, hospitality and kindness of the families I photographed. Once inside their homes I could also feel the determination, the courage and the willpower these people possess. For them there seems to be just one way to go: forward. And once inside their homes I recalled images of Vermeer, the 17th Century Dutch painter who has inspired my work in many places. I also saw how in their homes I could capture the spirit of these people, the quietness, the pride, the serenity, the austerity and togetherness of their lives. I started to feel extremely confident regarding my subjects and found immense pleasure in visiting many villages and towns throughout China.


My gratitude naturally goes first to those Chinese families who so spontaneously and whole heartedly opened their doors for me, invited me to sit down and to share a cup of green tea with them. I shall always remember their insatiable curiosity about me as a person and, of course their delightful and genuine hospitality.

I would also like to mention that after having exhibited my 'Cuban Interiors' photography in The Pingyao International Photography Festival in 2004, I was able to make many Chinese friends, mostly photographers from all over China. These photographers, once they came to know about my project, invited me to visit them and accompanied me during my travels in their province, guiding me to small towns and villages to photograph the "Interiors".  In particular, I am deeply grateful to photographers like Chen Haiwen from Shanghai,  Wang Gang from Guangzhou, Wu Jalin from Kunming, Wang Hanbing from Xinjiang Province, Wang Zhongwen from Taiyuan, Huli from Henan, who have helped me tremendously in my project.

I have travelled extensively with them to places such as Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, Fujian, Zhejiang, Henan, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Tibet, Xinhai and many more Chinese Provinces, enjoying their insights and deep understanding of rural China.


I wish to thank RABOBANK for their support in this project. When in March 2006 I showed my first photographs of "Chinese interiors" to the China management team of Rabobank, I was met with great enthusiasm and above all, sponsorship. 

Shanghai, January 2010