In the Limits of Utopia

Photos and text: © Eduardo Ruigómez

  • “Undoubtly, the word utopia brings to us different images, fantasies of reality. However, any vision of what it should be, involves a critical examination of what actually is. Same happens with utopias that, depending on the moment of history, denounced the abuse of a dying society and, feeling triumphant and certain of human being excellence, announced the beautiful perspectives offered to man by the almighty science. These fantasies, born from failure, always appeared under similar controversial circumstances and provided, not just with the means get rid of them, but also the calm image of a solved issue.”

    Jean Servier

  • One century back, millions of inmigrants arrived in the United States looking for a lack of poverty and death. They were taken in, they adapted to a new way of life and flourished.

    One century after we see a wandering world that do not get to design a balanced society based on human values. The social imbalance grows with walls and ignorance, with extreme wealthiness and misery, with laughs and cries along the process.

    The photography Ellis said Yes 12 millions of times stands for a work that goes in depth into the submission of the photographic language that gives in at the eloquence of images rustling by the darkness of the light. As long as the brightness fades, the fantasy becomes stronger at the expense of a back-off reality.

    Like shadow puppets, the images convey dancing glows, subtly moving silhouettes, focused on their privacy, respecting an imaginary border that is never approached. Weariness, hunger, misery, depression, fear, loneliness, those are which reign in the kingdom of the lost dreams.

    Illusions are our tireless travel partners: they dance by our side and create their own staging. We witness, almost as aliens, the course that leads us forward while our eyes are our searching tools, the movement to the light, the driving force to contemplation, the uncertain promise called hope just round the corner. However, the drift is what determines the wandering journey for the sake of keeping a false scenario that wishes to go back to the peace of mother’s lap, of a dreamy rebirth that calms our being down.