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Why this magazine?

Because we think it is necessary or, at least useful. We want that photography be spoken of, that photography is spoken as intuition and as expression. We want that people talk about photographical searches, about the results of photographical experiments, about new paths, about the possibilities that photography offers, and images as an stimuli to make other photography.We would like that photography stimulates artists from other disciplines and above all that the photographic experimentation becomes a mean to broaden ways of expression and open us to more accurate intuitions about reality.

To get this we think we need a medium like this one. In order to talk about photography we have to show the result of researches we do and we need to do it without the restrictions often imposed by the managers of the culture. In other words we don’t want to see only images associated with prestige or market demands.

We postulate that images are worthly not only by themselves; they transcend because they convey values, realities,

We don’t want to establish any thing at the political level. Nor to say that our strategy is better that any other, neither that to sell images in the market is something perverse, or that the artist should stay away from the managers of the culture or something on that lines.

We only want to stop complains and lamentations so usual in this milieu. We only want to open another opportunity for photographic expression

and meanings. They approach us to the truth of the single beings. For this reason and in order to provoke discussions the images will often be accompanied by words, written texts. Those texts will be of different nature, the most appropriate to what is expressed.


This is an open magazine in a double sense: it is open to new photographic proposals and it is open to whoever have interesting proposals. Above all it is open to every one that wants to watch it in his screen, or even in print in case they desire to see it on paper. Doing it an open magazine is a way to take vantage from the ubiquity that offers Internet and at the same time it is a way to by-pass the restrictions of a commercial venture. This choices allows us a big freedom to take risks and initiatives that museum, galleries and commercial journals cannot afford, especially when they are accountable to private or public funds at their disposal.









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